Bichon Frise

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The Bichon Frisé is a small and popular pet dog breed. It was first discovered in the year 1500 when the French army invaded Italy and fell in love with the fluffy and charming appearance of the Bichon Frisé, bringing it back to France as a war prize. Bichons have high requirements for their living environment and frequently require companionship, which should be considered.

The Bichon Frisé is recognized for its gentle, sensitive, playful, and affectionate nature. Despite its small size, it boasts a sturdy body, an elegant demeanor, and a fluffy tail that curls over its back. With its cute and curious black eyes, the Bichon’s movements are graceful and delightful.

Scientific Classification:
– Order: Carnivora
– Suborder: Caniformia
– Family: Canidae
– Subfamily: Caninae
– Genus: Canis
– Species: Canis lupus familiaris
– Subspecies: Bichon Frisé

– Temperament: Stable, lively, energetic, seeks freedom
– Dog Use: Companion, show dog
– Average Lifespan: 12-15 years
– Suitable Dog Food: Natural grain, edible coarse grain
– Height: 24-29 cm
– Purpose: Companion dog
– Weight: 3-6 kg

Physical Characteristics:
Due to its lively nature, the Bichon Frisé requires substantial physical activity. Daily walks and playtime are essential to promote digestion, absorption, and overall health. While not exceptionally intelligent, Bichons have excellent memory and can learn entertaining tricks with some training, bringing joy to their owners. They are affectionate towards their families but can be wary of strangers. Bichons are known to be clingy and require companionship.

Form and Structure:
– Size: The shoulder height of both male and female Bichons is approximately 9.5 to 11.5 inches, with symmetry being a primary consideration.
– Proportions: The body length (from the foremost point of the chest to the hindmost point of the buttocks) is about 1/4 longer than the shoulder height. The chest should extend at least to the elbows, and the ribcage should be moderately sprung.
– Gait: The Bichon’s movement is smooth, accurate, and light. The front and rear legs coordinate well, and the backline remains steady. The head and neck slightly erect, and the limbs tend to converge towards the centerline of the body with increasing speed.

The Bichon Frisé is known for its friendly, lively, and playful nature. It is sociable and enjoys the company of its family, making it an ideal companion. The breed is not overly intelligent, but its good memory allows it to learn amusing behaviors with some effort. Bichons are known to be people-oriented, requiring ample playtime and attention from their owners.

1. Expression: Soft, deep, curious, and alert eyes.
2. Eyes: Round, black, or deep brown.
3. Ears: Hanging, hidden in flowing hair, positioned slightly above the eye level.
4. Skull: Slightly rounded, forming an arc towards the eyes.
5. Muzzle: Well-balanced with the head, the length is 3/4 of the distance from the nose to the stop.
6. Nose: Prominent and always black. Lips: Black, delicate, not drooping.
7. Bite: Scissor bite. Overly protruding or undershot jaws are severe faults.

1. Neck: Long, proudly arched, smoothly blending into the shoulders.
2. Backline: Horizontal, with a round and muscular loin.
3. Tail: Carried over the back, covered with abundant hair, reaching at least halfway to the shoulder when stretched towards the head.
4. Shoulders: Shoulder blade length equal to the upper arm.
5. Forelimbs: Moderate bone, straight without bowing, with slightly slanting pasterns.
6. Feet: Tight and round, resembling cat feet, pointing directly forward with black pads.
7. Thighs: Adequately angled, well-muscled, slightly wide-set, with hocks perpendicular to the ground.

Temperament Traits:
The Bichon Frisé is an energetic and playful breed that requires regular outdoor activities. While not exceptionally intelligent, it possesses a good memory and can learn entertaining tricks with proper training. Bichons are friendly, sociable, and highly dependent on their families. They may exhibit aggressiveness towards strangers. Overall, they are lively, people-friendly, and suitable for indoor living.

Care Tips:
– Provide a balanced diet with 150-180 grams of meat per day, along with an equal amount of dry food or biscuits.
– Ensure fresh and clean food, especially in hot weather, avoiding leftover meals to prevent parasitic infections.
– Choose dog food without additives, as Bichons are prone to allergies.
– Take measures to prevent dental issues, such as avoiding sticky foods and regularly cleaning teeth.
– Bichons have a high energy level, so engage them in daily play and activities for overall health.

Feeding Guidelines:
– Feed Bichons on time, in fixed locations, and in controlled quantities.
– Choose dog food suitable for small toy breeds.
– Avoid excessive consumption of nutrients, especially fats, proteins, and sodium.
– Regularly clean food bowls and maintain a clean feeding environment.

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